Bio Med 22
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- Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity 6th ed. - T. Skirven, et. al., (Mosby, 2011) WW.pdf359.17MB
- Principles of Pharmacology 3rd ed. - D. Golan, et al., (Lippincott, 2012) WW.pdf334.41MB
- Rheumatology 5th ed. [2 vols] - M. Hochberg, et al., (Mosby, 2010) WW.pdf297.54MB
- Rockwood and Green's Fractures in Adults 6th ed [2 vols] - R. Bucholz, et al., (Lippincott, 2006) WW.chm289.8MB
- Robbins Basic Pathology 8th ed - Kumar, et al., (Elsevier, 2007) WW.chm227.97MB
- Psychedelics Encyclopedia 3rd ed. (expanded) - P. Stafford (Ronin, 1992) WW.pdf211.46MB
- Rockwood and Wilkins' Fractures in Children 6th ed - R. Bucholz, et al., (Lippincott, 2006) WW.chm194MB
- Rockwood and Wilkins' Fractures in Children 7th ed - J. beaty, J. Kasser (Lippincott, 2010) WW.chm192.34MB
- Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery - Mgmt of Complications 2nd ed - M. Myerson (Saunders, 2010) WW.pdf186.61MB
- Roach's Introductory Clinical Pharmacology 9th ed. - S. Ford, et. al., (Lippincott, 2010) WW.pdf179.44MB
- Rehabilitation of the Spine - A Practitioner's Manual - C. Liebenson (Williams and Wilkins, 1996) WW.pdf154.49MB
- Review of Orthopaedics 4th ed. - M. Miller (Saunders, 2004) [no TOC, index] WW.pdf144.89MB
- Principles of Nasal Reconstruction 2nd ed. - S. baker (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf137.59MB
- Psychology in Everyday Life - D. Myers (Worth, 2009) WW.pdf137.02MB
- Rehabilitation of the Spine - A Practitioner's Guide - C. Liebenson (Lippincott, 2007) WW.pdf134.29MB
- Psychology - Themes and Variations 8th ed [intro txt] - W. Weiten (Wadsworth, 2010) WW.pdf123.91MB
- Protocols for Multislice CT 2nd ed. - R. Bruening, et. al., (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf121.05MB
- Principles of Manual Medicine 3rd ed. - P. Greenman (Lippincott, 2003) WW.pdf119.46MB
- Robbins' Basic Pathology 7th ed - Kumar, Cotran, Robbins (Elsevier, 2007) WW.CHM112.02MB
- Principles of Human Anatomy 12th ed. - G. Tortora, M. Nielsen (Wiley, 2012) WW.pdf106.41MB
- Robbins Review Of Pathology - E. Klatt, V. Kumar (W B Saunders, 2000) WW.pdf98.02MB
- Rapid Review Pathology 2nd ed - E. Goljan (Mosby, 2006) WW.CHM96.7MB
- Rapid Orthopedic Diagnosis - S. Mostofi (Springer, 2009) WW.pdf95.56MB
- Reflectance Confocal Microscopy for Skin Diseases - R. Hofmann-Wellenhof, et. al., (Springer, 2012) WW.pdf91.81MB
- Review Questions for Nuclear Med. - The Technology Registry Exam - A. Foss (Parthenon) WW.pdf81.94MB
- Reconstructive Facial Plastic Surgery - A Problem Solving Manual - H. Weerda (Thieme, 2001) WW.pdf79.42MB
- Psychology - Concepts and Applns 3rd ed. - J. Nevid (Houghton Mifflin, 2009) WW.pdf69.68MB
- Principles of Genetics 7th ed - Tamarin (McGraw-Hill, 2001) WW.pdf66.22MB
- Psychology 2nd ed. - D. Schacter, et. al., (Worth, 2011) WW.pdf65.51MB
- Red Book Atlas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases - C. Baker (Amer Acad Pediatrics, 2007) WW.pdf62.61MB
- Retention and Stability in Orthodontics - R. Nanda, C. Burstone (W. B. Saunders, 1993) WW.pdf62.38MB
- Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th ed. [Professional edition] - V. Kumar, et. al., (Saunders, 2010) WW.chm62.29MB
- Principles of Manual Sports Medicine - S. Karageanes (Lippincott, 2005) WW.pdf61.28MB
- Reoperative Plastic Surgery of the Breast - K. Shestak (Lippincott, 2006) WW.chm60.45MB
- RNA Polymerase III Transcription - R. White (Landes, 1994) WW.pdf58.1MB
- Principles of Neural Science 4th ed - E. Kandel, et al., (McGraw-Hill) WW.pdf56.95MB
- RNA Viruses - A Practical Approach - A. Cann (Oxford, 2000) WW.pdf56.51MB
- Proton and Charged Particle Radiotherapy - T. DeLaney, H. Kooy (Lippincott, 2008) WW.chm55.06MB
- Psychology 4th ed [intro txt] - G. Martin, et al., (Pearson, 2010) WW.pdf54.38MB
- Psychology 5th ed. - D. Hockenbury (Worth, 2010) WW.pdf53.12MB
- Reliability and Risk Assessment 2nd ed - J. Andrews, T. Moss (Prof. Engineering Publ., 2002) WW.pdf52.29MB
- RNA Processing - A Practical Approach [Vol 2] - S. Higgins, B. Hames (Oxford, 1994) WW.pdf50.94MB
- Review of Sleep Medicine 2nd ed - T. Barkoukis, A. Avidan (B-H, 2007) WW.pdf50.14MB
- Rare Hematological Malignancies - S. Ansell (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf50MB
- Revisiting Cardiac Anatomy - A Computed-Tomography-Based Atlas and Ref. - F. Saremi, et al., (Wiley, 2011) WW.pdf48.52MB
- Principles of Osteoarthritis - Its Definition, Character, Derivation [etc.,] - B. Rothschild (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf47.9MB
- Psychology - From Inquiry to Understanding 2nd ed [intro txt] - S. Lilienfeld, et al., (Pearson, 2011) WW.pdf45.23MB
- Rand and Dale's Pharmacology 6th ed - H. Rang, et al., (Churchill Livingstone, 2007) WW.CHM44.6MB
- Rapid Review of Radiology - S. Hussain, et al., (Manson, 2010) WW.pdf43.87MB
- Psychology 9th ed. in Modules - D. Myers (Worth, 2010) WW.pdf43.59MB
- RNA Processing - A Practical Approach [Vol 1] - S. Higgins, B. Hames (Oxford, 1994) WW.pdf43.47MB
- Redox Cell Biology and Genetics [Part B] [Methods in Enzymology Vol 353] - C. Sen, L. Packer (AP, 2002) WW.pdf43.05MB
- Psychology 8th ed. - H. gleitman, et. al., (W. W. Norton, 2011) WW.pdf42.34MB
- Psychology - A Modular Approach to Mind and Behavior 10th ed. - D. Coon [proofs] (Thomson, 2006) WW.pdf42.34MB
- Ridley's The Vulva 3rd ed - S. Neill, F. Lewis (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009) WW.pdf41.62MB
- Reconstructive Surgery of the Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis - G. Evans (Marcel Dekker, 2004) WW.pdf41.47MB
- Psychology - The Science of Mind and Behavior 4th ed. - M. Passer, et. al., (McGraw-Hill, 2008) WW.pdf41.29MB
- RNA Viruses - Host Gene Responses to Infections - D. Yang (World, 2009) WW.pdf41.11MB
- Psychology - Concepts and Connections 10th ed. - S. Rathus (Cengage, 2012) WW.pdf40.37MB
- Psychology 9th ed. - D. Myers (Worth, 2010) WW.pdf40.15MB
- Retinal and Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery - S. Boyd, et. al., (Jaypee, 2010) WW.pdf37.91MB
- Psychology 6th ed [intro txt] - R. Kowalski, D. Westen (Wiley, 2011) WW.pdf37.18MB
- Psychiatry [Blueprints - Notes and Cases] 3rd ed - M. Murphy, et al., (Blackwell, 2004) WW.pdf37.14MB
- Proton Therapy Physics - H. Paganetti (CRC, 2012) WW.pdf36.13MB
- Recombinant Gene Expression Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 62] - R. Tuan (Humana, 1997) WW.pdf36.11MB
- Proteolytic Enzymes [Practical Approach] - 2nd ed - R. Benyon, J. Bond (Oxford, 2001) WW.pdf35.67MB
- Recognition of Health Hazards in Industry - Rvw of Mtls, Processes 2nd ed - W. Burgess (Wiley, 1995) WW.pdf35.33MB
- Proteoglycans - Structure, Biology and Molecular Interactions - R. Iozzo (Marcel Dekker, 2000) WW.pdf34.97MB
- Rapid Surgery [Rapid Series] - E. Obi, et al., (Blackwell, 2005) WW.pdf34.95MB
- Rapid Surgery - E. Obi., et. al., (Blackwell, 2005) WW.pdf34.95MB
- Robotics in Genitourinary Surgery - A. Hemal, M. Menon (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf34.07MB
- Psychological Types - C. Jung, [transl. by H. Baynes] [orig. 1923] (Pantheon, 1953) WW.pdf33.17MB
- Pseudomonas syringae Pathovars and Related Pathogens - Identification, Epidemiology and Genomics (Springer, 2008).pdf32.82MB
- Reelin Glycoprotein - Structure, Biology and Roles in Human Disease - S. Fatemi (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf32.82MB
- Rehabilitation Engineering [medical] - T. Kheng (Intech, 2009) WW.pdf32.78MB
- Psychopharmacology - An Introduction 4th ed - R. Spiegel (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf32.22MB
- Psychology - Core Concepts 7th ed. [intro txt] - P. Zimbardo, et al., (Pearson, 2012) WW.pdf32.1MB
- Rapid Diagnoses in Opthalmology - Retina - J. Nerad, et al., (Mosby, 2008) WW.pdf32.04MB
- Principles of Population Genetics - D. Hartl, A. Clark (Sinauer, 1997) WW.pdf31.97MB
- Respiratory Physiology - The Essentials 7th ed - J. West (Lippincott, 2004) WW.pdf31.91MB
- Reflectance Confocal Microscopy of Cutaneous Tumors - An Atlas - S. Gonzalez, et al., (Informa, 2008) WW.pdf31.78MB
- Psychology - A Journey 4th ed [intro txt] - D. Coon, J. Mitterer (Cengage, 2011) WW.pdf31.61MB
- Retinal Vascular Disease - A. Joussen (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf31.17MB
- Recombinant Protein Protocols - Detection and Isolation [Methods in Molec Bio 63] - R. Tuan (Humana) WW.pdf30.81MB
- Ribonucleases - Structures and Functions - G. D'Alessio, et. al., (AP, 1997) WW.pdf30.44MB
- Psychology - Making Connections [intro txt] - G. Feist, E. Rosenberg (McGraw-Hill, 2009) WW.pdf30.3MB
- Psychology 3rd ed. - S. Ciccarelli, J. White (Prentice-Hall, 2012) WW.pdf29.81MB
- Psychology - The Science of Mind and Behaviour 6th ed. - R. Gross (Hodder, 2010) WW.pdf29.2MB
- Ribozyme Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 74] - P. Turner (Humana) WW.pdf29.19MB
- Reproductive Ecology and Human Evolution - P. Ellison (de Gruyter, 2001) WW.pdf27.92MB
- Protocols for Gene Analysis [Methods in Molec Bio 31] - A. Harwood (Humana, 1994) WW.pdf27.8MB
- Proteomics - Human Diseases and Protein Functions - T. Man, R. Flores (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf27.4MB
- Reproductive Tissue Banking - Scientific Principles - A. Karow, et. al., (AP, 1997) WW.pdf27.23MB
- Psychology - Themes and Variations, [Briefer Vers] 7th ed. - W. Weiten (Thomson, 2008) WW.pdf27.13MB
- RNAi - A Guide to Gene Silencing - G. Hannon (2003) WW.pdf27.12MB
- Reese and Betts' A Practical Appr. to Infectious Diseases - R. Betts, (Lippincott, 2003) WW.chm26.94MB
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 6th ed. [intro txt] - M. Townsend (F. A. Davis, 2009) WW.pdf26.92MB
- RNA - D. Soll, S. Nishimura, P. Moore (Pergamon, 2001) WW.pdf26.5MB
- Recons. of Upper Cervical Spine and Craniovertebral Junct. - P. Suchomel, O. Choutka (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf25.76MB
- Robotics in Urologic Surgery - J. Smith, et. al., (Saunders, 2008) WW.pdf25.71MB
- Refractive Surgery [Basic and Clinical Science Course 13 2007 - 08] (Amer. Acad Opthalmology, 2007) WW.pdf25.01MB
- Principles of Neurology [Companion Handbook] 6th ed - R. Adams, et al., (McGraw-Hill, 1998) WW.pdf24.8MB
- Principles of Medical Statistics - A. Feinstein (CRC, 2002) WW.pdf24.73MB
- Recent Advances in Research on the Human Placenta - J. Zheng (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf24.69MB
- Regulatory RNAs [Cold Spring Harbor Symposium] (2007) WW.pdf23.74MB
- Reconstructive Aesthetic Implant Surgery.pdf23.52MB
- Principles of Nasal Reconstruction - S. Baker, S. Naficy (Mosby, 2002) WW.pdf23.39MB
- Reproductive System [BarCharts QuickStudy] WW.pdf23.36MB
- Rapid Assessment - A Flowchart Guide to Evaluating Signs and Symptoms - C. Clayton, et al., (Lippincott, 2004) WW.chm23.23MB
- Review Of Medical Physiology 21st ed - W. Ganong (Lange, 2003) WW.chm22.93MB
- Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology - Neuro-Ophthalmology - J. Trobe, et. al., (Mosby, 2008) WW.pdf22.79MB
- Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Med., Athletic Tng. 5th ed. - W. Prentice (McGraw-Hill, 2011) WW.pdf22.63MB
- Principles of Molecular Medicine - J. Jameson (Humana, 1998) WW.pdf22.61MB
- Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 5th ed. - U. Moore (Blackwell, 2001) WW.pdf22.09MB
- Restorative Techniques in Paediatric Dentistry 2nd ed. - M. Duggal, et. al., (Martin Dunitz, 2002) WW.pdf22.06MB
- Reading Pentacam Topography [opthalmology] - M. Sinjab (Jaypee Medical, 2010) WW.pdf21.93MB
- Rheumatology in Practice - J. Da Silva, A. Woolf (Springer, 2010) WW.pdf21.12MB
- Rang and Dale's Pharmacology 7th ed. - H. Rang, M. Dale (Churchill Livingstone, 2011) WW.chm20.9MB
- Receptors of Cell Adhesion and Cellular Recognition [Biomembranes Vol 3] - A. Lee (JAI, 1996) WW.pdf20.35MB
- Recent Translational Research in HIV_AIDS - Y. Tang (Intech, 2011) WW.pdf20.09MB
- Reactive Oxygen Species in Biological Systems - An Interdisciplinary Approach - D. Gilbert, C. Colton (Kluwer, 2002) WW.pdf20.04MB
- Rheumatoid Arthritis - M. Hochberg, et al., (Mosby, 2009) WW.pdf20.04MB
- RNA Therapeutics - Function, Design and Delivery [Methods in Molec Bio 0629] - M. Sioud (Humana, 2010) WW.pdf19.71MB
- Redox-Active Amino Acids in Biology - Colowick, et al., (AP, 2006) WW.pdf19.67MB
- Review of Medical Physiology 22nd ed - W. Ganong (McGraw-Hill, LANGE) WW.CHM18.89MB
- Retinal Pharmacotherapy - Q. Nguyen, et al., (Saunders, 2010) WW.pdf18.73MB
- Retinal Degenerative Diseases - J. Hollyfield, et al., (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf18.07MB
- Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Experiences 2nd ed - L. Garnets, D. Kimmel (Columbia Univ. Press, 2003) WW.pdf17.54MB
- RNA Interference Technology - From Basic Science to Drug Development - K. Appasani (Cambridge, 2005) WW.pdf17.43MB
- Principles of Molecular Regulation - P. Conn, A. Means (Humana, 2000) WW.pdf17.43MB
- Reading and Dyslexia in Different Orthographies - N. Brunswick, et. al., (Psych. Press, 2010) WW.pdf17.24MB
- Regenerative Medicine - G. Steinhoff (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf17.08MB
- RNA Sliencing - Methods and Protocols [methods in Molec bio 309] - G. Carmichael (Humana, 2005) WW.pdf16.89MB
- Residuals and Influence in Regression - R. Cook, S. Weisberg (Chapman and Hall, 1982) WW.pdf16.66MB
- Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 5th ed. - S. Videbeck (Lippincott, 2011) WW.pdf16.64MB
- Psychoneuroimmunology 4th ed. [2 vols] - R. Ader (AP, 2007) WW.pdf16.52MB
- Psychologist's Desk Reference 2nd ed - G. Koocher, et al., (Oxford, 2005) WW.pdf16.05MB
- Psychology - Core Concepts 6th ed. - P. Zimbardo, et. al., [proofs] (Pearson, 2009) WW.pdf15.96MB
- Principles of Neuropsychology 2nd ed - E. Zillmer, et al., (Thomson, 2008) WW.pdf15.56MB
- Psychology of Classroom Learning - An Encyclopedia - E. Anderman, et al., (Gale, 2009) WW.pdf15.43MB
- Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries - G. Puddu, A. Giombini, A. Selvanetti (Springer, 2001) WW.pdf15.28MB
- Reoperative Pelvic Surgery - R. Billingham, et al., (Springer, 2009) WW.pdf15.11MB
- Psoriasis - J. Soung, B. Koo (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf15.09MB
- Recent Advances in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care [22] = A. Adams, et al (GMM, 2003) WW.pdf15MB
- Recent Advs. in the 3D Physiological Human - N. Magnenat-Thalmann, et al., (Springer, 2009) WW.pdf14.94MB
- Psychiatry - An Evidence-Based Text - B. Puri, I. Treasaden (Hodder Arnold, 2010) WW.pdf14.74MB
- Proteolytic Enzymes, Serine and Cysteine Peptidases - A. Barrett (AP, 1994) WW.pdf14.66MB
- Rare Tumors In Children and Adolescents - D. Schneider, et. al., (Springer, 2012) WW.pdf14.29MB
- Redox Proteomics - From Protein Modifications to Cellular Dysfunction and Diseases - I. Dalle-Donne (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf14.13MB
- Recent Advs. in Immunology to Tgt. Cancer Inflamm., Infections - J. Kanwar (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf14.06MB
- Reichman and Hershfield's Tuberculosis [Part A] 3rd ed - M. Raviglione (Informa, 2006) WW.pdf14MB
- Rational Diagnosis and Trtmt. - Evid.-Based Clin. Decision-Making 3rd ed. - H. Wulff, et. al.,(Blackwell, 2000) WW.pdf13.87MB
- Protocols for Neural Cell Culture 4th ed - L. Doering (Humana, 2010) WW.pdf13.84MB
- Proteolytic Enzymes, Aspartic and Metallo Peptidases [Methods in Enzymology 248] - A. Barrett (AP, 1995) WW.pdf13.69MB
- RNA Detection and Visualization [Methods in Molec Bio 714] - J. Gerst (Humana, 2011) WW.pdf13.34MB
- Rhinologic and Sleep Apnea Surgical Techniques - S. Kountakis, M. Onerci (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf13.25MB
- Raw Foods Bible.pdf13.24MB
- Review of Rheumatology - N. Colburn (Springer, 2012) WW.pdf13.22MB
- Restriction Endonucleases [Nucleic Acids and Molec. Bio.] - A. Pingoud (Springer, 2004) WW.pdf13.18MB
- Principles of Molecular Cardiology - M. Runge, C. Patterson (Humana, 2005) WW.pdf13.1MB
- Renal and Adrenal Tumors - A. Belldegrun, et al., (Oxford, 2003) WW.pdf13.09MB
- Regenerating the Heart - Stem Cells and the Cardiovascular Sys. - I. Cohen, et al., (Humana, 2011) WW.pdf12.99MB
- Retroperitoneal Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery - J. Joseph, H. Patel (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf12.95MB
- Readings in Adv. Pharmacokinetics - Theory, Methods, Applns. - A. Noreddin (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf12.56MB
- Proteome Research - Concepts, Tech and Appln 2nd ed - M. Wilkins, et al., (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf12.48MB
- Reemergence of Established Pathogens in the 21st Century - I. Fong, K. Drlica (Kluwer, 2003) WW.pdf12.38MB
- Real Whole Body MRI - Requirements, Indications, Perspectives - M. Goyen (McGraw-Hill, 2008) WW.pdf12.32MB
- Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools 2nd ed. - D. Crone, et. al., (Guilford Press, 2010) WW.pdf12.26MB
- Revision Sinus Surgery - S. Kountakis, et al., (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf12.17MB
- Randomization in Clinical Trials - Theory and Practice - W. Rosenberger, J. Lachin (Wiley, 2002) WW.pdf11.98MB
- Research Into Spinal Deformities 6 - P. Dangerfield (IOS, 2008) WW.pdf11.97MB
- Rapid Eye Movement Sleep - Regulation and Function - B. Mallick (Cambridge, 2011) WW.pdf11.78MB
- Removable Orthodontic Appliances - K. Isaacson, et. al., (Wright, 2002) WW.pdf11.51MB
- Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 11th ed - W. levinson (McGraw-Hill, 2010) WW.chm11.26MB
- Rocket Surgery Made Easy - The D-I-Y Gde to Finding, Fixing (Web) Usability Probs - S. Krug (New Riders, 2010) WW.pdf11.24MB
- RNA-Ligand Interactions [Part A] [Methods in Enzymology 317] - D. Celander, J. Abelson (AP, 2000) WW.pdf11.12MB
- Recombinant Gene Expression [Methods in Molec Bio 267] 2nd ed - P. Balbas, A. Lorence (Humana, 2004) WW.pdf11.08MB
- Psychology Applied to Work 8th ed. - P. Muchinsky (Thomson, 2006) WW.pdf11.07MB
- Robotic Radiosurgery - Treating Tumors That Move With Respiration - H. Urschel (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf10.95MB
- Resuscitation (AHA, 2005) WW.pdf10.87MB
- Rare Diseases Epidemiology - M. de la Paz, S. Groft (Springer, 2010) WW.pdf10.83MB
- RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors [Part B] - S. Adhya (1996) WW.pdf10.73MB
- Proteomics in Practice - A Lab Manual of Proteome Analysis - R. Westermeier, T. Naven (Wiley, 2002) WW.pdf10.7MB
- Research Methods In Psychology 9th ed. - J. Shaughnessy, et. al., (McGraw-Hill, 2012) WW.pdf10.58MB
- Regulatory RNAs - Basics, Methods and Applns. - B. Mallick, Z. Ghosh (Springer, 2012) WW.pdf10.57MB
- Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence 3rd ed. - Fed. Judicial Ctr., NRC (NAP, 2011) WW.pdf10.53MB
- Retinoblastoma [Pediatric Oncology] - C. Rodriguez-Galindo, M. Wilson (Springer, 2010) WW.pdf10.52MB
- Reliable Design of Medical Devices 2nd ed. - R. Fries (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf10.35MB
- Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty - J. Bono, R. Scott (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf10.24MB
- Regen. Med. Using Pregnancy-Specific Biol. Substances - N. Bhattacharya, et al., (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf10.23MB
- Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery in Children and Adults - M. Ost (Humana, 2011) WW.pdf10.16MB
- Retinal Degen. Diseases - Lab. and Ther. Investigns - R. Anderson, et al., (Springer, 2010) WW.pdf10.06MB
- Rehabilitation Robotics S. Kommu (I-Tech, 2007) WW.pdf10.05MB
- RNA Turnover in Prokaryotes, Archae and Organelles [Methods in Enzymology 447] - L. Maquat (AP, 2008) WW.pdf9.95MB
- Ranking Vaccines - A Prioritization Fwk. [Phase I - Demo. of Concept, Software Blueprint] - G. Madhavan [NAS] (NAP, 2012) WW.pdf9.81MB
- Rheumatology - K. Dziedzic, A. Hammond (Churchill Livingstone, 2010) WW.pdf9.8MB
- RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors [Part C] - A. Adhya, S. Garges (Elsevier, 2003) WW.pdf9.8MB
- Principles of Immunopharmacology 2nd ed (rev., ext.) - F. Nijkamp, M. Parnham (Birkhauser, 2005) WW.pdf9.69MB
- Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Risk Factors - M. Atiq.pdf9.64MB
- RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors [Part D] - S. Adhya, S. Garges (2003) WW.pdf9.34MB
- Renal Transplantation - Updates and Advances - L. Long (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf9.33MB
- RNA-Ligand Interactions [Part B] - D. Celander, J. Abelson (AP, 2000) WW.pdf9.24MB
- Resynchronization and Defibrillation for Heart Failure - D. hayes, et. al., (Blackwell, 2007) WW.pdf9.05MB
- RNA Interference, Editing and Modification [Methods in Molec Bio 265] - J. Gott (Humana, 2004) WW.pdf8.99MB
- Rhinosinusitis - a Guide for Diagnosis and Managemenmt - E. Thaler, D. Kennedy (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf8.95MB
- Rb and Tumorigenesis - M. Fanciulli (Landes, 2006) WW.pdf8.81MB
- Respiratory Physiology - A Clinical Appr. - R. Schwartzstein, M. Parker (Lippincott, 2006) WW.pdf8.81MB
- Relevant Topics in Eating Disorders - I. Jouregui-Lobera (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf8.69MB
- Refractive Lens Surgery - I. Fine, M. Packer, R. Hoffman (eds.) (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf8.64MB
- Principles of Molecular Rheumatology - G. Tsokos (Humana, 2000) WW.pdf8.61MB
- Psychiatric Disorders [Methods in Molec. Bio. 0829] - F. Kobeissy (Humana, 2012) WW.pdf8.54MB
- Reichel's Care of the Elderly - Clinical Aspects of Aging 6th ed. - C. Arenson, et. al., (Cambridge, 2009) WW.pdf8.53MB
- Renal Cell Carcinoma - Molecular Bio, Immunology and Clinical Mgmt - R. Bukowski, A. Novick (Humana, 2000) WW.pdf8.53MB
- Proteomics for Biological Discovery - T. Veenstra, J. Yates (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf8.36MB
- Repair and Regeneration of Ligaments, Tendons, and Joint Capsule - W. Walsh (Humana, 2006) WW.pdf8.26MB
- Robotic Urology (Springer, 2008).pdf8.08MB
- Recent Advances in IgA Nephropathy - K. Lai (World, 2009) WW.pdf8.08MB
- RNA Editing [Methods in Enzymology 424] - J. Gott (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf7.56MB
- Psychopathology Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding, 2nd edition.pdf7.23MB
- Reconstructing Evolution - New Mathematical and Computational Advances - O. Gascuel, M. Steel (Oxford, 2007) WW.pdf7.18MB
- Risk of Arrhythmia and Sudden Death - M. Malik (BMJ, 2001) WW.pdf7.12MB
- Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility - V. Lewis (Landes Vademecum, 2007) WW.pdf7.09MB
- Psychology - A Concise Introduction 3rd ed. - R. Griggs (Worth, 2012) WW.pdf7.08MB
- Protocols for Predictable Aesthetic Dental Restorations - I. Ahmad (Blackwell, 2006) WW.pdf6.99MB
- Reducing Risks for Mental Disorders - Frontiers for Preventive Intervention Research - P. Mrazek, et. al., (NAP, 1994) WW.pdf6.72MB
- Re-Irradiation - New Frontiers [Radiation Oncology] - C. Nieder (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf6.56MB
- Recurrent Hernia - Prevention and Trtmt. - V. Schumpelick, R. Fitzgibbons - (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf6.56MB
- Psychiatry as a Neuroscience - J. Lopez-Ibor, et al., (Wiley, 2002) WW.pdf6.53MB
- Rectal Cancer - G. Delaini (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf6.53MB
- Rheumatology Nursing - A Creative Approach 2nd ed - J. Hill (ed) (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf6.47MB
- Proteomic and Genomic Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease - J. Van Eyk, M. Dunn (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf6.34MB
- Regulatory T Cells [Methods in Molec Bio 0707] - G. Kassiotis, A. Liston (Humana, 2011) WW.pdf6.24MB
- Psoriasis - A Systemic Disease - J. O'Daly (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf6.19MB
- Ribozymes and RNA Catalysis - D. Lilley, F. Eckstein (RSC, 2008) WW.pdf6.17MB
- Rickettsial Diseases - P. Parola (Informa) WW.pdf6.14MB
- RNA Infrastructure and Networks [exper. med.] - L. Collins, (Landes, 2011) WW.pdf6.08MB
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- Regulation of Carcinogenesis, Angiogenesis and Metastasis by PCs - A. Khatib (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf3.12MB
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- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - Causes, Controversies and Trtmt. - H. Carp (Informa, 2007) WW.pdf2.45MB
- Psychoanalysis - Comparable and Incomparable - D. Tuckett, et. al., (Routledge, 2008) WW.pdf2.4MB
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- Psychiatry in Society - N. Sartorius, et al (2002) WW.pdf1.51MB
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- Proteomics - T. Palzkill (Kluwer, 2002) WW.pdf1.3MB
- Reversing Gum Disease Naturally - S. Senzon (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf1.26MB
- Psychoanalytic Understanding of Violence and Suicide - R. Perelberg (Routledge, 1999) WW.pdf1.24MB
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- Rapid Psychiatry - A. Hibbert, A. Godwin, F. Dear (Blackwell, 2004) WW.pdf1.19MB
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- Resolving Patient Ambivalence - A. Fields (Holifield Assoc., 2006) WW.pdf1.04MB
- Reflective Practice in Mental Health - M. Webber, et. al., (Jessica Kingsley, 2010) WW.pdf1.04MB
- Review of Clinical Anesthesia 5th ed. - N. Connelly, et. al., (Lippincott, 2009) WW.chm1.02MB
- Research and Development in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry 3rd ed - P. Bamfield (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf1008.21KB
- Reducing Maternal Mortality - World Bank WW.pdf970.07KB
- Relational Group Psychotherapy - From Basic Assumptions to Passion - R. Billow (Jessica Kingsley, 2003) WW.pdf966.18KB
- Psychological Recovery - Beyond Mental Illness - R. Andresen, et. al., (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) WW.pdf870.16KB
- Risk Assessment of Listeria Monocytogenes in RTE Foods (WHO, 2004) WW.pdf712.04KB
- Reactive Attachment Disorder - A Case-Based Appr. - D. Shreeve (Springer, 2012) WW.pdf450.35KB
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- Psychiatry History Taking - A. Kolevzon, C. Katz (Curr. Clin. Strats., 2004) WW.pdf435.19KB
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